Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Woe is me, and such

The boyfriend is in San Diego with family for New Years. I am all alone. Boo hoo. So, I'm going to be baking and cooking, and knitting my little heart out. NOW WITH PHOTOS!

I've made up my mind on the red shawl. It's the Shetland Lace Shawl, all the way. The edgings are going to drive me nuts, I know it, but I love it so hard. I've begun on the first edging on the first side, and I'm three repeats into the TWENTY-ONE per side. Sigh.

I've also been working on my mom's birthday scarf.

It's going to be beautiful.

I just hope she got enough yarn to make it the length she wants.
I pinned out a bit on the bed, to see what it would look like after blocking.
She'll love it.

We have a meeting with the church's college age group on sunday. It's the first sunday of the month, so we do a potluck and game night. I'm planning on making some Challah for the day, plus extra to freeze and eat. I freakin' love Challah.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I got a huge whack of yarn for my birthday and Christmas. I know what I'm making with some of it, but I have a bunch of really really thin laceweight that I want to do something with. I have a few ideas, but I don't know what I want to do.

I lovelovelove the "Spiderweb shawl" from Victorian Lace Today,
but the loopy lace for the border, the brioche pattern, I hate what it looks like when I knit it up. Plus, the yarn would look silly knit up on 7's.

It would either be the Shetland Lace Shawl from A Gathering Of Lace,

or the "Three Cornered Shawl in Clover Leaf Pattern" from Victorian Lace Today.

A beautiful example here

I'm going to work some swatches, I guess, and figure out what I'd actually like.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Not much going on today. We went to church, I'm going to do dishes before working on the knitting. On the needles:

a) Feather and Fan Shawl from "A Gathering of Lace"

b) Feather and Fan Scarf for my mom, she gave me the yarn for Christmas with "for Mom's birthday scarf" written on the label. It's about 1/4 - 1/3 done, I think.

c) Rick's Hat. Mindless stockinette, yet not. Decreases, stripes, etc. I have to pay too much attention to boring knitting for this to be any fun.

Heard from my sister that the cemetery would be making another gravemarker for Christoper.

(Backstory - My sister had her first child, a son, in october. he was only 24 weeks along. Christoper Paul *lastname* VII. We had him for 22 days, and then he passed away. He was burried in town, and my sister went to visit his grave on Christmas morning. The marker had been stolen. The cemetery originally told her that they wouldn't replace the marker, but she had called the newspaper, and they had called the cemetery. So now the cemetery will replace the marker)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here we go again

Well, I'm starting a blog, again. Hopefully, I might keep up at it. It's not like I have much else to do. Prepare to hear weirdness, cooking, cleaning, music, and knitting stuff. Hooray.